by Michelle | Feb 26, 2013 | Featured, Uncategorized
Love, Michelle Two words. Two simple words drawn in flour across the windshield of a 1968 Valiant almost caused a break up, a canceled camping trip, and the loss of a precious friendship. You’d have expected that two young scholars would have thought of...
by Michelle | Feb 23, 2013 | Tips
I leave this to guest author, Tara Hunt, to explain to you why writing great content for Social Media sites is a skill, and doing it incorrectly could hurt your brand. Let Me Wave my Magical Content Wand <a href=”” Need help...
by Michelle | Feb 23, 2013 | Featured, Uncategorized
A good friend of mine and I went walking last weekend and the topic of Social Media became a big part of our conversation. She works in the IT department for a major medical company as a project manager. Curious about what I do, and wanting to write a novel herself...
by Michelle | Feb 22, 2013 | Featured, Uncategorized
In spending any and all free time I have over the last two months, I have drowned myself in article after tweet after posting about the Do’s and Don’t’s of Social Media, the Newest Trends, How to Utilize Social Media to Help Your Brand and Bring You...
by Michelle | Jan 13, 2013 | Featured
As an Avid Denver Bronco’s fan, I have grown up seeing my favorite team battle many tumultuous seasons. In college at St. Mary’s in Moraga, I watched the Broncos lose unmercifully to the San Francisco 49ers. A tough loss for me, but considering Lisa and...