News, tips and so much more…
Flair For Writing is getting a Facelift! Check out My Profile Page for Now!
As with all things, we get old. Some old things are great old like fine wine, vintage cars, model T's, Fisher Price toys from my childhood. Some old things are useless-a flip phone? (hard to believe I thought that was cooler than these touch things!), sweater dresses,...
Thank You, Social Media
I spoke with a client yesterday, who, given his age, doesn't "get" social media. I hear it from many clients and my parents. "I don't know what Twitter is and I wouldn't know how to tweet. Snapchat? What's the point?" My parents refuse to have a FB account and I'm...
My Addiction to Buffer
Buffer’s software application makes posting links easier as it connects all of your sites and schedules postings for you as well as delivers analytics.
Rules of Engagement for Social Media
I'd like to thank and give credit to Susan Lahey from the Silicon Hills News for writing this article and to Clive Hornsby @CliveHornsby for tweeting this link. Social media is a conversational tool that is meant to engage and inform. But do you know how to use...
The Power of Words: How One Man’s Two Words Created Havoc
Love, Michelle Two words. Two simple words drawn in flour across the windshield of a 1968 Valiant almost caused a break up, a canceled camping trip, and the loss of a precious friendship. You'd have expected that two young scholars would have thought of...
So You Think You Can Develop Your Own Content For Social Media?
Developing content for Social Media is a strategy, and doing it incorrectly could hurt your brand.
Facebook? Linked In? Twitter? Instagram? Pinterest? Help Me Decide Which Ones To Use
A good friend of mine and I went walking last weekend and the topic of Social Media became a big part of our conversation. She works in the IT department for a major medical company as a project manager. Curious about what I do, and wanting to write a novel herself...
What I’ve Learned About Social Media…Or the First Things That Come to My Mind Before I Take A Good Run
Tricks to using social media that involve babies, animals, and fun
Lessons I’ve Learned From the Denver Broncos
As an Avid Denver Bronco's fan, I have grown up seeing my favorite team battle many tumultuous seasons. In college at St. Mary's in Moraga, I watched the Broncos lose unmercifully to the San Francisco 49ers. A tough loss for me, but considering Lisa and Tifany...
We're ready when you are!